Bach St John Passion 2024 Photos

ShowBach St John Passion 2024photos

From the inaugural Borders Chamber Choir concert, 30 March 2024

The Concert 4w
The Concert 4w
The Concert 2w
The Concert 2w
Tom Raskin Evangelist w
Tom Raskin Evangelist w
Chris Elliott - Tenor w
Chris Elliott - Tenor w
Eric Thomas - Lute w
Eric Thomas - Lute w
Georgie Malcolm - Soprano w
Georgie Malcolm - Soprano w
Jim Tribble - Harpsichord w
Jim Tribble - Harpsichord w
Jon Stainsby - Bass & Christus w
Jon Stainsby - Bass & Christus w
Jon Stainsby Bass & Christus and Chamber Organ w
Jon Stainsby Bass & Christus and Chamber Organ w
Judy Louie Brown - Alto w
Judy Louie Brown - Alto w
Robert Marshall 4 w
Robert Marshall 4 w
The Concert 1w
The Concert 1w